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Rawblog: Colin Powell

Colin Powell - SLA Opening Session, June 14, 2009

Brought his team of info professionals from National Defense University

State Department 2001 - Powell's staff was still using Wang computers
44K computers bought
Every desk in every embassy & office got a computer
Would do inspections of whether staff were actually using the computers

It's a transactional world, information flies at the speed of light

Clay Shirky - Hear Comes Everybody

Flash mobs (see clips on YouTube)

"I'm born analog, I got me a $59 converter, and now I'm digital ..."
Grandkids won't answer email, Powell has to text/Tweet them ...

"Who still uses bookmarks? I don't use bookmarks, it's all in Google"

What does Powell miss about being Secretary of State? His plane.

Like us mortals, Gen. Powell has been dog-sniffed and wanded at the airport ...

Role of leaders is to embue followers, the people who get things done, with a sense of purpose and demonstrate passion for the mission of an organization ...

Leaders also need to know how to prune an organization

Trust is the essence of success in an organization


Thank you so much for the information from Gen. Powell!

(And kids these days! E-mail is too old fashioned for them...)

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