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Colour commentary of "The Librarian"

If I had been thinking ahead, I would have tried to arrange a librarian chat session for trading snarks about TNT's "The Librarian".

Well, here's my notes from the night's festivities:

(Caveat lector: mondo spoilers beyond ... in fact, it won't make sense unless you've seen the entire thing)

Oh, please tell me he's dreaming about being an Egyptologist. Oh no, he's not.

Let's see ... extremely smart, overly enthuasiastic, dorky dresser and lousy social skills -- just perfect

22 degrees -- any of them in library & info science? What about a certificate in Archival Studies? Just wondering ...

Scratch the lousy social skills; make that nearly non-existent social skills

And he lives with his mom! And he can't get dates! Oh my.

Oh, just-in-time, print-on-demand interview requests. I wonder if that one was sent by Tom Riddle ...

A line nearly out the door for a single library job: sounds just about right.

Oh no, the "well, I love books" cliche so very, very early ...

Um, he's not a librarian, he's a Sherlock Holmes clone. Perhaps he should be called "The Profiler"

Okay, that Ark bit was BLATANTLY stolen from "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

Bob Newhart is SO funny!

Never forget to STRAP on the jet pack before you turn it on

Of course Kyle Maclachlan is the bad guy ... ever since he started showing his age, he's been the bad guy. I guess that's what happens when you stop working for David Lynch ...

Vanilla Thorazine ... hah!

You know, it's not really a library ... it's an archival repository. So really, Flynn will be The Archivist if he survives probation. Talk about false advertising.

"The fate of the world is in my hands. That is just so ... sad." This is a funny movie.

Oh, frell, the physical awkwardness has kicked in.

The cabin is still pressurized! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Ooh, library muscle. Is it me or does she resemble Maura Tierney?


Classic jungle movie action stuff. Blah ...

"What is this, Slap the Librarian Day???!!??" HEEE!!

Is he supposed to get the book wet? Bad archivist, no biscuit!

Oh my stars and wonders, he actually consulted a book for the answer to something!

Mayan numbers in the Amazon? My husband's suspension of disbelief has just snapped

More blatant stealing from Indiana Jones (the trompe l'oeil floor) ... yay!!

The waltz? And oh, congenitally unable to dance.

Kelly Hu as a librarian fangirl? Heh.

An evil librarian? Oohhh ... maybe he tears out random pages from Chilton manuals just for fun.

"Nobody can read this!" "Nobody except the Librarian ..."

Wow, that lassoing should have broken Flynn's arm. Ow.

Shaingri-La is so pretty! And CGI-ish.

ME? What kind of English-language semantics is this?!

Where those Tibetan monks doing martial arts?

She's sleeping with him?

Oh, that's why she's sleeping with him.

The what scale?

Bob Newhart a Marine? Did he meet the height requirement of the time?

I'm not sure that killing your #1 HENCHMAN to test a device/potent new weapon is the best idea.

Bob Newhart, action star!!!

Catfight among librarian fangirls? If only ...

Librarian v. librarian

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Of course the capstone would fall on Wilde at just the right time.

Umm, shouldn't they be trying to break up the spear to hide in three different places again? So that if someone breaks in, they won't have the entire spear in their hot little hands? I'm just saying ...

"You don't understand, Mom, being a librarian is a pretty cool job." -- Awww. *sniff*


Heee! This is a film that begs to be MST3K'd!

Thank you for sharing it with me.

Love your movie review! You nailed it as far as I'm concerned ... in fact, your comments are so close to what I was thinking while watching the show that it's hard to believe we were sitting there together. Wow. Deja vu all over again.


Hey whats up you guys, ummm. I went to a web search of age requirements of a librarian and it brought me here. You guys know if a sophomore at High School can be a librarian? Because thats what I wanna be.

Hi, Heather ...

Congrats on staking a claim to a profession. Also, thanks for the link to Sixpence None the Richer. There's going to be email coming your way soon.