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Article PDF

After looking over ALA's FAQ on copyright and the difference between copyright assignment and copyright licensing, I think what I'm doing is kosher.

Here is a PDF of the Internet Archive article.

I figure I'll leave it up until the article is available on ITAL's website.

As a minor note, I've taken the plunge and put a Creative Commons license on the site. The PDF doesn't have the notice on it, since it's a galley, but the intent covers it and other non-blog material posted as well.


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» Head on over... from Pattern Recognition
...and check out the most excellent article from Eli Edwards on the Internet Archive, soon to appear in Information Technology and Libraries. A very, very good summary of the issues dealing with the archival of the Internet, as well as some insightf... [Read More]


Good, I was gonna ask u for a copy of this. Now I will download it and read on my leisure. :)

I think there's a rule about not citing any fellow student who hasn't graduated yet ... ;>