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At last ...

An idea for a core class in library school has, after two years, seen fruition:

Edwards, Eli. "Ephemeral to Enduring: The Internet Archive and Its Role in Preserving Digital Media." Information Technology and Libraries 23, no. 1 (March 2004): 3-8.

Unlike previous efforts, this is a sole authorship and in a refereed publication. Hot dang, this is cool.

Of course, this wasn't a sole effort ... quite a number of people helped in the refinement, feedback and general advice. Drs. Ziming Liu and William Fisher of SJSU ... and my dear friend, Vera. But this paper would have permanently fallen through the cracks if it wasn't for Walt Crawford. Thank you, Walt.

I signed the copyright licensing form so I may end up posting the paper online myself, although it should show up on the ITAL website at some point.

Did I say this is cool? Because this is so cool.


Congratulations--and you're welcome, although all I did was a little nudging.

You did the hard work: Writing an article that survived ITAL refereeing.

I look forward to reading it when my copy of ITAL eventually arrives...

Who's the famous librarian now??


Congrats, Eli! That's so great...I can't wait to read it. Wanna forward me a PDF? :-)

Walt, I would truly appreciate your feedback if and when you're willing.

Jason, three words: Cory Freakin' Doctorow

I might contact ALA Publishing to see if I can get a pre-print(?) PDF of the article. I rather like the layout ... it's kinda pretty in a the-type-is-small-where-are-my-reading-glasses way.

i know this post is a bit old but i had to comment:


one of my supervisors sent me a copy of your article writing it was a 'must read' and that i should pass it on to my other supervisor.

very cool..


p.s. and the layout *is* quite nice, too. :P


1) Thank you very much. It was an important topic to me and I'm glad it's getting read.

2) I went to your website ... you're at my old stomping grounds (KPFK)! Only you're doing much cooler work than I ever did (I did data entry in the Subscriptions Dept. for just under a year). I think you need to be interviewed for one of those "Coolest Librarian Job Ever" columns.

kpfk? wow, it's really such a small library/activist world. subsciptions work is so crucial but always undervalued and undersupported at kpfk..

the archives *is* very cool, though like everything at pacifica, there's all kinds of drama and issues surrounding the whole dang building, i'm sure you remember how it is. sigh.

it's the collection that should be highlighted as "coolest library ever!" i just can't believe some of the stuff i see around here all the time.. it's really amazing.

second time poster, long time reader!