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Collectivism rears its ugly head

I'm struggling with defining my methodology, so posting may well be somewhat light for a while.

In the meantime, please enjoy Prof. Lessig's elaboration on the 'Dean-Copps-Lessig version of the Internet'.

Copps, by the way, refers to Michael J. Copps, one of two 'liberal' members of the 5-person FCC who helped beat the drum last year warning the public of the FCC's plans to extend radio deregulation rulemaking for cross-ownership to television. Copps is now fighting the battle to keep the same thing fromhappening to the Internet as we currently know it.


Should I bring my research design books to CF (an impish, but somewhat serious question)? Or are we going to duck schoolwork for the weekend?

Oh, there's no ducking of schoolwork this weekend. Actually, I think the design is okay ... I'm just feelin' inarticulate.

On second thought ... bring 'em and I'll ship them back to you.