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See, I tried talking my group into creating a condom database for our info retrieval theory class, but noooooooo ... now I'm not prepared for this career (except for taking reference and collection development, but a condom database in my career portfolio would have really made my application stand out ...):

Library skills can lead to way-out jobs that nobody could expect. Megan Butcher used her MLS degree to become the manager of a store that sells sex toys. She says the reference interview is directly applicable, just relating to different information. She also has a collection management responsibility, including toy reviews and customer interests. She says, �I�m trying my best to make �librarian� and �sex� go together, one toy at a time.� (Butcher, 2001)

-- From "Librarians in the Information Age: Alternative Uses of MLS Degrees" by Darwin McGuire, LISCareer.com

Can we make a doll outta her?