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The Glamourous Life (apologies to Sheila E)

Despite the best efforts of Steven Cohen and others to keep track of the e'er-increasing tide of library-related weblogs, there are innumerable blogs that I have not heard of, will never know of, and may only read once or twice to forget all about that. Thus, I don't claim to know the prevailing characteristics of library bloggers and I have a couple of questions:

1) are there many blogs by library support staff?
2) are there many blogs from the technical services perspective, outside of technology/systems librarians?

If you the reader know of any, please leave a comment ...

I work in Acquisitions for Stanford University Libraries. Stanford is a pretty fun place (despite the lack of an arcade on campus). And SUL is involved with some pretty interesting projects, among them:

LOCKSS (an e-journal repository)
The digitization of the official archives of GATT/WTO
High Wire Press (an STM "network publishing"/e-publishing project)

I don't work with any of that. I don't work with the public. I don't work in the same building as the public-services staff.

Right now (and this will change in the very near future), I order and claim materials, check the serials, send things off for receiving and cataloging, and handle the supposedly non-heavy lifting functions of maintaining the MARC records. Right now (and this too will change in the very near future), I do all this for the sake of the international Government Documents collection.

Unless something goes wrong or I make a mistake, I'm completely invisible to the users and largely invisible to the majority of the staff.
It doesn't matter how good I am at researching material because no one sees it and the questions I try to answer aren't all that interesting.
Attempting to RefGrunt my work would put everyone to sleep or risk libelling vendors and other business partners of my employer.
I have no desire to frag my colleagues, even if some are a good deal stranger than what I'm comfortable with, or to indulge in the stereotype that tech services is where you stick all the freaks who don't belong in front of the public.

In theory, this should mean that I have nothing to blog about ... but I must reject that. As a storyteller and a writer, I have many areas of improvement, so the idea of writing about issues and events that I know aren't inherently interesting (even to me) is really daunting. I want to be popular and read and blogrolled and have all sorts of Trackbacks leading back to my journal. Yet, I think there's something to be said about what happens in the back rooms of libraries that impacts (and is impacted by) librarianship, even if it (further) torpedoes my attempt to find an audience for this weblog. I know I'm not the best person to do this, and I don't think I'm the only person to try (hence the queries at the top of this entry). But I will try.


I assume you know about Catalogablog by David Bigwood (www.catalogablog.blogspot.com).

That's the only high-profile tech services weblog that springs to mind, although I'm sure there are others.

This isn't a link for a specific blog but a link I just found through The Creative Librarian for more library blogs. There was a rather long list otherwise I would have tried weeding through some of it for you.


Thank you very much for the links ...