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June 07, 2006

EDUCAUSE conference on computer policy and the law

I have to say that this sounds like a lovely conference and I wish I could attend (more on that later), but why is it right up against ALA Annual?


I'm pleased to invite you and your colleagues to register for one of our finest summer institutes: the Cornell/EDUCAUSE Institute for Computer Policy and Law (ICPL), held June 27-30 on the beautiful Cornell campus in Ithaca, New York.

Join others at this leading-edge seminar -- one of the nation's premier forums for discussing and learning about technology policies in higher education -- to examine the impact that widespread use of the Internet has on college and university policies, procedures, and judicial systems. As one past participant said, "This was one of the best conferences for IT policy makers. I plan to return!"

We stay together as a group throughout the whole seminar and will join with nationally recognized technologists and legal experts to explore topics including:

-- Recent developments in computer policy, law, and the Internet.
-- Technology policy development, including the interface with libraries.
-- Institutional responses to new laws concerns information on course sites and in e-reserves in libraries
-- Network privacy and security, including institutional responses to data breach and notification and spyware
-- Internet governance and liability, including filtering and the On-Line Globalization Protection Act.
-- Online privacy and risk assessment.
-- The laws and politics of digital copyright.
-- Peer-to-Peer litigation and legislation.
-- Copyright Litigation: The Google Library Project and American Association of Publishers.
-- Copyright Legislative Reform: Orphan Works.
-- CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act) and higher education.

ICPL is designed for IT personnel, librarians, webmasters, attorneys, judicial officers, risk managers, computer security officers, publication directors, public relations administrators, and anyone else involved in developing, implementing, or enforcing technology policies in higher education, so please pass it along if you think a friend would be interested.

But mostly we are looking for leaders, which is you!


For additional information, including the list of presenters, and to register online visit us on the Web at
or contact the Cornell University School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions at 607-255-7259; cusp@cornell.edu. This program fills quickly and we encourage you to register as soon as possible.

Posted by misseli at June 7, 2006 05:32 PM


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