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June 07, 2006


Crazed. Lunacy.

I've completed a year of law school, and to take a turn of phrase from my study partner, it feels good to stop hitting my head against the brick wall. And I'm not sure which hurt more -- the amount of work put in without any notion or validation that the work may be at most average, or just feeling uncontrollably panic-stricken for the better part of a year.

And now I feel like I'm in a somewhat indiscriminate place. I still care about libraries, and I still want to keep up with what's going on in the profession and the various associations. But the time, energy and mindshare hasn't been there.

But now, the school year is over, and even though I'll have some things to do over the summer, I can take a breath and think and maybe figure out how to remain hooked into librarianship while getting increasingly inundated with the law.

The bad news is, I'm exhausted and the grind is just beginning.

The good news is, when I talk with librarians, I feel hooked-in and part of the community. Such as when I had a really great conversation with Dan Chudnov and Dorothea Salo last month. We talked about librarianship and technology and it was refreshing and great and cool ... I am in their debt.

So, I'm not sure what I'm doing right now, but I'm still in the game ... I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Posted by misseli at June 7, 2006 03:06 PM


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