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March 01, 2006

What's the future of fair use

The Online Journalism Review has an interview with Majorie Heins regarding her latest report on fair use and copyright law, "Will Fair Use Survive?"

Walt Crawford had an in-depth review of the Free Expression Policy Project's report. In his words, "Any librarian who cares about fair use—which should be almost any librarian—should at least glance through it, and should probably read it in full."

Posted by misseli at March 1, 2006 01:51 PM


It seems the pendulum swings. In the McCarthy era they censored, then they didn't, now they are again. Fair use is hard. I am both a library/archives student and a publisher, so I see the points on both sides as valid. I'm not sure where the balance point is, where the fulcrum lies, or even if it exists. We all want to see everything we can and hear about it all from the media, but we also want protections for our own creations and those of others.

The interview was a good impetus for a discussion in one of my LIS course. Thanks for posting it.

Posted by: Russell D. James at March 3, 2006 05:05 PM