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January 18, 2006

Grassroots progressive conference on library education?

The NY Collective of Radical Reference is organizing a Library Education Forum on the state of LIS education.

What's it all about?

This will not be a place to critique specific programs or faculty members. Instead, we hope to give voice to students and recent graduates who have only been able to participate in this general discussion as passive listeners. Be a part of shaping library education for the future. Give light to your own education, your search for work, skills you were glad to have learned and those you wish you had. Gain perspective on where LIS education is heading. Although professors and administrators will be invited to attend, the voice that will be heard will be yours—the student or recent graduate, with the hope that this will be an opportunity for those who are used to teaching to learn from us, the students.

Sounds like fun. It's a bit far for a one-day conf., so I can't commit to being there ... but I find it generally intriguing.

Posted by misseli at January 18, 2006 04:00 PM